
Gamzee gives John medicine

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▲: hi!
▼: hEy.
▲: gamz-choo!
▲: gamzee?
▲: sorry, i think im sick
▼: HeEeEeEeY mOtHeRfUcKeR. oH, wHoA, wHo Is ThIs?
▲: its jo-achoo!
▲: john
▼: iT's OkAy, BrOtHeR. tHe WoRlD fUcKiNg LoVeS yOu AnYwAy.
▲: i think its spinning around me more than anything
▲: achoo!
▼: nO nO nO tHe WoRlD iS lOvInG aLl Up In YoUr ThInKpAn EvEn RiGhT nOw, MaN. tHaT's WhY yOu'Re SiCk. BeCaUsE yOu'Re AlL cOnGeStEd Up WiTh LoVe.
▼: It'S a FuCkInG mIrAcLe.
▲: and pounding me in the face with it too
▲: being sick is a m-achoo!
▲: a miracle?
▼: yUp.
▼: EvErYtHiNgS a MiRaClE iF yOu LoOk ClOsE eNoUgH iNtO tHaT sHiT, mY bRoThEr.
▲: then i really hate them right now
▲: i hate being sick!
▲: achoo!
▲: im running out of kleenex and i forgot to make a card so i could have more
▼: Aw LiTtLe DuDe, DoN't GeT aLl PiTcH oN tHeM. i'M sUrE yOu'Ll FeEl BeTtEr SoOn. MaYbE yOu ShOuLd KiCk BaCk WiTh A hOt FaYgO aNd ChIlL oUt WiTh SoMe BlAnKeTs Or SoMeThInG fOr AwHiLe UnTiL aLl Of ThAt PiTy LeAkS sTrAiGhT oUt YoUr AuDiAl SoCkEtS.
▼: wElL, sHiT. tHaT's A mOtHeRfUcKiNg TrAgEdY rIgHt ThErE.
▼: hOnK. :o(
▲: hot faygo?
▲: i dont think i had any faygo at all at my house...
▼: ShIt, MoThErFuCkEr, I dOn'T kNoW wHaT tO eVeN sAy. YoU gOt SoPoR aNyWhErE iN tHaT mOtHeRfUcKiNg ReSpItEbLoCk?
▲: wh-achoo!
▲: whats sopor?
▼: oH mAn. It'S jUsT tHe BeSt ThInG yOu HaVe EvEr FuCkInG sEeN iN yOuR wHoLe LiFe, ThAt'S wHaT iT iS. mOtHeRfUcKiNg MiRaClEs CoNdEnSeD iNtO oNe FiZzY bEvErAgE tHaT pUlLs AlL oF tHoSe PaInS sTrAiGhT oUt.
▲: well if i had some id sure use it
▼: MaKeS yOu SlEeP aT nIgHt AnD iT tAsTeS fUcKiNg DeLiCiOuS. gOt A uSe FoR eVeRyThInG. :o)
▲: damn, i need to go get a blanket...
▲: i have the ch-achoo
▲: the chills
▼: hEy. WhOa. WhOoOoOoOoOoA. i HaVe An IdEa GoInG oN iN mY hEaD rIgHt NoW.
▲: what is it?
▼: I cOuLd. I cOuLd SeNd YoU tHe MoThErFuCkInG cOdE fOr SoMe SoPoR sLiMe AnD yOu CoUlD wArM yOuR bOdY rIgHt ThE fUcK uP, mY bRoThEr.
▲: its worth a try
▼: oKaY. lEt Me JuSt DiG tHiS mOtHeRfUcKeR oUt Of ThIs MoDuS oF mInE.
▲: okay
▲: achoo!
▼: oKaY, mAn, ChEcK tHiS sHiT oUt. M17c135 Is ThE fUcKiNg CoDe NuMbEr, TrY sHoViNg ThIs HoOfBeAsT iNtO yOuR mAcHiNe.
▲: okay
▲: here i go
▼: SoRrY. kInD oF zOnEd OuT tHeRe FoR a FuCkInG sEcOnD wAtChInG aLl Of ThEsE cOlOuRs FlOaT bY. :o(
▲: its f-achoo
▲: its fine
▲: this stuff is green!
▲: and im glad i cant smell right no-achoo!
▲: right now.
▲: okay, so i drank it...
▲: thats some we-achoo!
▲: some weird texture...
▼: Of CoUrSe ItS fUcKiNg GrEeN, mY mAn. ThAtS tHe CoLoUrS oF mIrAcLeS rIgHt ThErE.
▼: Is It MaKiNg YoUr ThInKpAn FeEl AlL bEtTeR nOw? AlWaYs ClEaRs Up My HeAd LiKe A fIsT fUlL oF mIrAcLeS sTrAiGhT tO tHe BoNeBuLgE.
▲: iii thiiink iiit miiight beee wooorkiiing!
▲: iiim flyyyiiing!
▲: oooh maaan thiiis iiis greeeaaat!
▼: HaHaHa YeAh, MoThErFuCkEr. HaVeNt HeArD a SiNgLe FuCkInG mIrAcLe SnEeZe OuT oF yOu So FaR. :o) iSnT iT aMaAaAaAaAaAzInG?
▲: iiit iiis
▲: iii wooondeeer iiif iii caaan flyyy ooouuut myyy wiiindooow?
▲: : )
▲: iiim gooonnaaa tryyy iiit
▼: mAn, YoU'rE mAkInG mE fEeL aLl WaRm AnD fUzZy In -- Oh HeY hEy MoThErFuCkEr.
▼: ThAt IsNt ThE bEsT oF fUcKiNg IdEaS. wHy DoNt YoU jUsT sIt YoUr AsS dOwN iN tHe BeD aNd WaTcH sOmE oF tHe FuCkInG cOlOuRs Go By?
▲: heeereee iii gooo
▲: oooneee
▲: twooo
▼: Oh NoOoOoOoOoOo.
▲: threee
▲: !!!
▼: WeLl ShIiIiIiIiIt.
▲: iiim flyi
You have disconnected.
Oh man! That was fun.

Thanks Gamzee for playing along with me, whoever you are. That was pretty damned great.
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